Tom starts a conversation with Billy to find out if he is a bully and to help him stop
doing it.
Tom: hi Billy, is true that you are bulling some classmates.
Billy: hi tom, and is true, I have been having fun with some jerks.
Tom: why are you doing this.
Billy: Because in the first place, these boys deserve to have this done to them.
And secondly, this is fun.
Tom: however, although they deserve it, never is correct bulling others, as
matter of fact that you are behaving just like them.
Billy: is true but, if we do nothing, these boys will continue bulling in another.
Tom: the best solution is informing the teacher to be able to avoid the bulling.
Billy: you are right, is the best solution to solve this problem.
English 2 BAT F
dilluns, 4 de maig del 2020
dijous, 30 d’abril del 2020
Dialogue- Berta Miquel.
- Paula: Hi Marc, I want to talk with you. Is important.
- Marc: Sure, what’s the problem?
- P: I hearted you “have a problem” with Paul.
- M: Which type of problem?
- P: I mean, you bully him.
- M: What? That’s not true, I even not talk to him.
- P: Marc, I saw you yesterday bullying him after school.
- M: No, we were just playing.
- P: But you told you even talk, right?
- M: Oh my god Paula, what do you want?
- P: Marc, I just want to tell you that those thing you are doing are not right. You must stop, Paul is suffering, he told me that he is thinking to move to another school.
- M: The situation is not that bad, he is exaggerating.
- P: Marc, accept that what you are doing is wrong, but you can change your behaviour. Paul will accept your apologies if you stop now. I don’t know why are you doing this to him, but it’s not ok.
- M: I didn’t realize I was hurting him, I didn’t know that he felt like that. I will talk to him and apologize me.
- P: That’s great Marc.
Dialogue - Marcel Peña
Informal Dialogue Option B
and Marta, during a break at school, are discussing if ICT must be a
subject or not, giving their pros and cons.
said in an imperative tone: ICT must be an important subject
nowadays, come on, our kids are addicted to technology and we have to
teach them.
answer teasing
Albert: I don’t agree with you because
they aren’t addicted to technology they’re addicted to phones
that’s a different thing.
said yelling a little bit, showing he was offended: One thing is
related with the other one. If you know how to manege technology, you
can manage phones also. They are the same, aren’t they?
answer confidently adding most of his arguments: First
of all a phone is technology but must be showed apart because it’s
different from any other technology. Then with a phone you can do
more than work, there are many things more such as social media and
also constant messages that can influence
affirmed giving
some reason to Marta: Well, I’m not too
sure but, in my opinion we must teach them everything at the same
time technology and phones because at the end they’re the same. One
more theoretical and the other more subjective.
added with an
affectionate tone: We must find a balance
between both. We
have our research done, now we have to
prepare the subjects’ project and then we have to do a test to
prove if it’s useful.
quite excited: Yes, I agree here but when are we going to test and
how we’re going to do it? Are you sure about creating this new
project, aren’t you?
dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2020
Dialogue - Miquel Fernandez
David and Harvey, high school teachers are
talking about possible changes for next year.
Harvey, last night I was thinking that
it could be a great idea to introduce ICT for next year. You know, we’re using
almost every day this tech without even understanding well how it works.
As you said we’re using this tech
for hours per day and I think that it would be too much for them. Don’t you
Maybe, however, more and more jobs
or teachers asks for works with visual presentation, audio support and many
other requires that if they are used to it, it will be more easy and quick for
It’s true. Plus, you have to be
very patient with editing, programming and using devices that run slowly. Yeah,
this could be a great method to help them being more focus on everything they
need to.
Dialogue - Martí Ros
Martí Ros – 2n F
Option 1: Dialogue
Martí and Richard are talking about the behavior of Richard in school with his other
classmates because of his unrespectful actions with them.
Cristino: So you think I’m unrespectful with our classmates, do you? Why? I don’t think
so, maybe some of them don’t please me and I’m not much polite, but I don’t think
that’s to bully at all.
Martí: That’s the problem, mate, you don’t think you bully them because you’re not
the bullied one, but put yourself in their shoes and think about what they feel when
you’re teasing them or when you insult them as well.
Cristino: Really? I don’t think I’m such a bully. But if you say I’m unrespectful with our
classmates, maybe is true, and you’re my friend so you won’t lie to me, so thanks bro.
Martí: You get it, man. No problem, I’m here to help you. If you have any problem you
know I’m here.
Cristino: Thanks bro, let’s go to English class, today we’re going to watch The Good
Place, so prepare the pillow for watch it more comfortable (laughs).
Option 1: Dialogue
Martí and Richard are talking about the behavior of Richard in school with his other
classmates because of his unrespectful actions with them.
Cristino: So you think I’m unrespectful with our classmates, do you? Why? I don’t think
so, maybe some of them don’t please me and I’m not much polite, but I don’t think
that’s to bully at all.
Martí: That’s the problem, mate, you don’t think you bully them because you’re not
the bullied one, but put yourself in their shoes and think about what they feel when
you’re teasing them or when you insult them as well.
Cristino: Really? I don’t think I’m such a bully. But if you say I’m unrespectful with our
classmates, maybe is true, and you’re my friend so you won’t lie to me, so thanks bro.
Martí: You get it, man. No problem, I’m here to help you. If you have any problem you
know I’m here.
Cristino: Thanks bro, let’s go to English class, today we’re going to watch The Good
Place, so prepare the pillow for watch it more comfortable (laughs).
Dialogue - Alba Hervás
Dianna, seeing her friend Mark's behavior, decides that
they have to talk to him to change the situation.
Dianna: You have to stop behaving like this, half school is
afraid of you.
Mark: I don't understand what you mean, I don't do anything.
Dianna: You have a sense of humor that few understand, this is
why not everyone likes your comments.
Mark: But people already know it's a joke, only that there are
people who get angry easily.
Dianna: No Mark, for many people it is not just a joke. They
feel bad. So, I think you should stop making those kinds of comments to people.
Mark: Now I feel bad, I'm going to stop making jokes to
people, and ask for forgiveness.
Dianna: Yes, I think it will be the best thing you can
Dialogue- Júlia Abad
Emma (the English teacher) has received an email from the academic director John Wilson in order to discuss if it will be a good option to introduce a new subject called Information Communication Technology.
John: I am really impressed with the idea of the new school subject, especially about all the researching work that you have done. However, now I would want to know how would you develop the project?
Emma: Well, I guess the perfect way to start developing the project is using our experience to help and teach the students by doing different organized activities.
John: That is quite interesting.
John: I have read that you have a good experience teaching languages while teaching information technology. Nevertheless, do you think it will be difficult to follow the class?
Emma: I am highly adaptable to changes and I absolutely know it will not be difficult to follow my instructions at class.
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Dialogue-Oriol Riu
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