dimecres, 29 de gener del 2020

FOR and AGAINST essay - Júlia Abad

Nowadays, there is a lot of debate about paying or not for listening to your favorite songs or your favorite artists. 

On the one hand, paying for music is absolutely beneficial for all those artists who want to start in the music industry because is a great way to promote artists. Furthermore, paying for music it will always be so much easier than downloading music piracy as you are totally safer from virus and you are able to enjoy your music without adds that might interrupt you.

On the other hand, if you pay for music you might believe that record companies are overambitious because of the elevated prices of the songs on digital platforms. In addition, as soon as you buy a song on iTunes or Spotify you cannot distribute the contents since it is completely illegal. 

To conclude, as far as I am concerned I would never pay for music because in my opinion is not affordable at all, indeed, is so expensive and music should be free in order to enjoy it.

For and Against essay - Soraya Salarich

Nowadays, there are more and more bilingual people in the world, this is because every time from schools and other media they let us know the importance of mastering more than one language.
Knowing more than one language has many advantages. For example you can go to other places in the world and communicate with people and understand the language there also provides advantages at the educational level since for example to apply for a job knowing a language is also very good and you can even dedicate yourself to translations.
As a disadvantage, I don't think there is anything, since knowing something else is not bad, the only thing that may be bad is that since childhood we are forced, for example, to learn English and do English as a second language when for example some person You may not like that language and prefer to do another. And that in a way they force us to study in English as a second language instead of doing any other language or simply to choose what we want the second language we learn to be.
However, in my opinion, I think it is good to have a second language or all that you want but you should let yourself choose what is the second that everyone wants to learn and not establish as a basic one that everyone should know.

dimarts, 28 de gener del 2020

For and againts - Miguel Gómez

In recent years, an increasing number of people around the world listen music every day. Many of these people have the question of whether to pay to listen to the music or pirate it?

On the one hand, piracy is illegal, so they can complaint you if you do it. Also, people say that if you pirate the music of singers who are not globally known, you make them lose a lot of money. In addition, many people say that companies set the prices of CDs very high and that makes them pirate the music.

In the other hand, if you are a person who cannot afford to pay for music, pirating it is an easy way to listen to your favorite artists. Furthermore, as them are free, it is a good way to promote yourself, because everyone can access to your songs. 

To conclude, piracy is a good way to listen music free but nowadays I think that exists a lot of free apps to listen to music like Youtube… Moreover there are apps very cheaps to pay for the music you listen to like Spotify with which you contribute to the singers. I think this is a good way to help singers.

FOR and AGAINST ESSAY - Miquel Fernandez

Music Piracy

Music piracy was a common subject to talk about 40-20 years ago. It was about getting songs and albums without paying them. Nowadays it’s not something very present because of the easy access to free songs through "apps" which can pay in return the artist relatively on the amount of reproductions of his songs. This is the reason why in think music piracy was great thing even of being an illegal act afterall.

Back in days, bands and composers were living from concerts but mostly from selling their songs. So with the appearance of music piracy they couldn't been paid for all pirated content. That is why I observe the act of pirating as a principal act of selfishness where they're denying the earnings of the hardworking ones to benefit others.

However, the music piracy led to search for a solution which became our actual system. As I said at the beginning nowadays, we have access to "apps" that managed to benefit both sides (listeners and producers).

In conclusion, the piracy in general is a harmful act that reflects the desire of ones above the others. Nevertheless, every problem conducts to a solution, in that case, putting everyone on an agreement.

Miquel Fernandez

For and Against - Rut

Music Piracy

Piracy is really present in our lifes in diferent spaces such as music. There can be no doubt about this fact as well as the fact that this "crime" is mostly made by young people who wants to listen to their favourite artists without having to pay a lot of money. Nevertheless, is this something positive or negative?

Few people would dispute the fact that music is too expensive for the youth who are used to listenning to it while doing something as walk. Although young people can liten to music free with different apps, it is not useful due to the wide quantity of adds which are put between two or three songs. Therefore it is preferable to pay, but the prices for music are to expensive for someone who doesn't have a regular payment nor money.

Furthermore, paying high prices for a CD is a bit unintelligible because of just being able to listen to it while driving or at home. Also, people use to buy CDs when they are crazy about the musician, in this situation paying big amounts of money may be considered as understandable. However, for someone who wants to listen different songs from differents singer, there is no need of buying all the CDs of those singer if you only like few songs.

All things considered, it is my firm believe that music is too expensive unless if you want to buy a CD of your favourite singer. Besides, everyone should have the right of not having to pay for something they love, for example music.

FOR and AGAINST ESSAY- Alba Hervás

In despite of bilingualism had a lot of advantages, it also has some disadvantages and now let's see some examples.

On the one hand, speaking two languages has many advantages such as how to defend yourself in different territories or to communicate with more people.

Furthermore, if you are looking for work it's easier to get hired if you master more languages than other job candidates.

On the other hand, also had some disadvantages, and you have to have a good command of the language, since you can get confused and speak in the language that is not. This happened to me once when I was in an English exhibition, I started to speak in French.

In conclusion, bilingualism has many good things, but you have to have enough knowledge about the language to not confuse language.

dilluns, 27 de gener del 2020

For and against essay - Inés Galmán


Nowadays, it is common for everyone to be bilingual since almost people speaks at least two languages and our world has become globalized. However, this fact can have some advantages and disadvantages. So, the questions that we need to answers are: What are these benefits? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of being bilingual?

On the one hand, I think that the brain of a bilingual speaker quickly gets used to managing two languages at the same time and this can be a beneficiate for us. Moreover, there is nothing better for maintaining high cognitive function that participating in stimulating physical or mental activity. In addition, the improved linguistic skills are present already in bilingual speakers. Some of these advantages are the ability to learn new words easily, the good listening skills and the improved communication skills.

On the other hand, bilinguals know fewer words of any semantic category in comparison to people that speak fluently only one language since that their vocabularies seemed to be somewhat smaller than those of monolingual speakers do. 

To sum up, I believe that being bilingual has many more advantages than disadvantages and I think it is better to be since we acquire a broader level of knowledge.

FOR and AGAINST essay - Sara Bouzas


Nowadays, it’s pretty common for people to be bilingual due to the fact that our world has become globalized. This may have some benefits but some people don’t see it that way. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of speaking two languages?

On the one hand, people believe that it’s really beneficial, even necessary for our lives. First of all, it allows you communicate with people of other nationalities and getting to know their culture which it’s really helpful, especially, when you are travelling. Moreover, by knowing different languages it’s easier to get a job in a higher position because you may need to communicate with people from around the world. For example, if you work for a big company or business it will be almost mandatory to be at least bilingual.

One the other hand, there are people who consider that it’s not necessary and it may even be bad for you. To begin with, learning a new language it’s really difficult and it can take a lot of time that you could be expending in other things. This, might put you under a lot of pressure, which will probably make you get worse grades in other lessons. Furthermore, if you are learning more than one language it’s possible that you mix some worlds or expressions that will end up confusing the person that you are taking with.

However, in my opinion, despite the difficulties that come with learning and speaking two languages, being bilingual will make it easier to get more job opportunities and having a better knowledge of the world that we live in.

diumenge, 26 de gener del 2020

For and against essay - Xavi Madueño

 Music piracy

Nowadays, music is present in our life on different ways, TV, videogames and also the street, so we live in a world that the music is too important for us. There’s a dilemma on buying music or pirating it, and I think that there are some advantages and disadvantages on pirating it and buying it.

On one hand, pirating music is a comfortable way to listen your favorite music without paying and without doing a lot of work. Furthermore, is positive for the artist in some way that people pirate his/her music because it gives them lots of popularity around the world, and finally, piracy is a good way to people who doesn’t have the money to pay it due its high prices.

On the other hand, piracy is illegal in some countries because in some way u are ‘’stealing’’ that music without paying so the musician loses money. However, on some pages of piracy, some type of music can be dangerous for your computer or your mobile phone, because it can contain a virus that can cost you fix it more than buying the music.

As I said although piracy is a good way to listen our favorite music free and it’s a good way to let people who are not able to pay it listen it, it’s illegal and also can contain some type of virus that can damage your gadget.

Xavi Madueño Valenzuela

Dialogue-Oriol Riu

Tom starts a conversation with Billy to find out if he is a bully and to help him stop doing it. Tom: hi Billy, is true that you are bulling...