dilluns, 13 de gener del 2020

Opnion Essay - Rut Pereda

The Black Friday

As it is globaly known, Black Friday is an USA's event which consits on putting great sales in all products of a shop. The aim of the Black Friday is to sell the more they can, as well as the cheaper it is possible.

The Black Friday shows how consumerism works. However, during Christmas families spent a lot of money and having an event in which prices get lower is a great help due to the bargains you might find.

Although, it might be a great problem for small shops, Black Friday helps them, too. Especialised small shops might have more costumers and win more money during Black Friday due to children wanting especifical toys.

In my personal opinion, Black Friday is an event to sell and buy and to promotionate consumerism, however if this event is put in dates which can help, both families and shops is a win. Therefore I also consider this party as a help during christmas season.

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