divendres, 10 de gener del 2020

Opinion Essay - Marta Gómez

Nowadays, there is a discussion about making illegal the consumption and sale of alcohol and tobacco, due to it is bad for health. In my opinion, it is a very difficult choice.

I believe that these two substances could be dangerous for people if they make a bad use of it. For instance, many people drink alcohol to be the soul of the party, so this could put in danger to other people like it happens when someone who has drunk, drives. 

On the other hand, I think there is no problem if they are taken with responsibility. For example, it would be acceptable if they drank or smoked from time to time and not in an excessive way.

All in all, in my view people should be aware of the consequences of consuming that and the younger ones should be prevented from doing these actions. Anyway, I think it should not be illegal. 

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