dimarts, 28 de gener del 2020
For and Against - Rut
Music Piracy
Piracy is really present in our lifes in diferent spaces such as music. There can be no doubt about this fact as well as the fact that this "crime" is mostly made by young people who wants to listen to their favourite artists without having to pay a lot of money. Nevertheless, is this something positive or negative?
Few people would dispute the fact that music is too expensive for the youth who are used to listenning to it while doing something as walk. Although young people can liten to music free with different apps, it is not useful due to the wide quantity of adds which are put between two or three songs. Therefore it is preferable to pay, but the prices for music are to expensive for someone who doesn't have a regular payment nor money.
Furthermore, paying high prices for a CD is a bit unintelligible because of just being able to listen to it while driving or at home. Also, people use to buy CDs when they are crazy about the musician, in this situation paying big amounts of money may be considered as understandable. However, for someone who wants to listen different songs from differents singer, there is no need of buying all the CDs of those singer if you only like few songs.
All things considered, it is my firm believe that music is too expensive unless if you want to buy a CD of your favourite singer. Besides, everyone should have the right of not having to pay for something they love, for example music.
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