dimarts, 5 de novembre del 2019

Xavi's formal letter

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to complain about a Gadget that I purchased last Friday on your website ‘’Gadgets’’.

First of all, I would want to clear out that this isn’t my first time buying your products. I would want you to know that I have written this email because when the Gadget arrived it had some electronic problems. For example: some music that I download from the internet, doesn’t work at all on the MP3. Moreover, when I charged at the first time, it didn’t turn on. 

Secondly, the MP3 had a dent on the top of it, and it was ripped on the screen. Finally, I would like to get a change of MP3 because of I wasted my money on a faulty Gadget from your website or get a refund of my money.

 I look forward to hearing from you.

 Yours faithfully,

 Alexander de Chinchurreta Aritzimuño.

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Dialogue-Oriol Riu

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